Today seems to be an appropriate day to do a post about Delilah, my dog. She’s not just any dog, she’s the dog that changed everything for us. You might recall in my introductory blog post that my one goal is to make Delilah somewhat famous.
If you are not already, you can follow her on Facebook at A Daily Dose of Delilah:

This is the Legend of Delilah, the dog that rescued us.
We were not looking for a dog
A year and a half before we found Delilah, we lost our beloved German Shepherd, Crash. We also had just moved from Belgium to Maryland. As a result, we were not looking for a dog. As I waited in Maryland for my household goods to be delivered, I saw on Facebook that my friend Michael shared a dog needed a home. I responded with, “If only I lived closer (to Indiana) I would be interested.” Consequently, I thought nothing more of the dog.
However, a few days later after receiving 18,000 pounds of household goods, and a little down in the dumps, I decided to drive back to Indiana to be there when my godson was born. My youngest two kids set out with me toward Indiana. We left my husband and oldest son in Maryland. We saw Dean soon after he was born and enjoyed time with family.
One day, Michael noticed my truck in the area and sent a message and asked if I was still interested in the dog. In the meantime, Kid #2 fell off a bike and broke his arm. Admittedly, I was on a high from Dean being born and trying to keep Kid #2 from losing his mind over another broken arm (this was the third time). Therefore, I agreed to go LOOK at the dog. Does anyone ever just go look at cute dogs? No!
We arranged for a visit and decided we would take her with us. She jumped in the truck and asked no questions. It was as if someone told her they were going to take her home. I knew nothing about this dog. Even so, I bought a kennel and the bare necessities. In my head, I wasn’t really sold on her. That first night, she went in her kennel, cried once and I told her to be quiet. I didn’t hear a peep from her the rest of the night.
The only other obstacle was to drive 13 hours back to Maryland…oh, and convince my husband that he wanted this dog!

Finding the perfect name for the perfect dog
We got her home, Magnum said we could keep her and we taught her what carpet and glass sliding doors were. For the first week, her name was New Dog, not the most inventive name. Subsequently, she answered to ‘New Dog’. We yelled names at her and she responded to none of them. We could tell she was smart. Nonetheless, Kid #1 insisted that her name would be Delilah before he even met her so that’s what we named her. Delilah Mae. She seemed to like it.

The rest is history
Undoubtedly, we have a lot of stories over the past 5 years, I’ll share those in a later post. That is the gist of how Delilah, the world’s most amazing dog came to live with us. She rescued me because I was in a new place, lonely and over the next several years I would have 3 surgeries, my companion through all the recovery time. Delilah came at just the right time, reluctant as we may have been, we couldn’t imagine life any other way. It’s proof that good things come when you least expect them and when you’re not even looking. She’s the dog that changed everything. As they say, the rest is history…..

What’s your dog rescue story?